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How a shopping center gathers customer insights

May 9, 2019

When Storcenter Nord, a Danish city-based shopping mall with 55 shops, started working with Emplate, their knowledge about the customer’s skyrocketed.
Their insights were limited to knowing how many customers had entered the mall in a certain period.

To beat the upcoming threat from e-commerce Storcenter Nord knew they had to gain better insights into customers and their behaviour.
Today Storcenter Nord possesses knowledge about customers and customer behaviour similar to insights that e-commerce stores gain through digital channels.

This knowledge is essential in order to improve the customer experience.

Storcenter Nord uses the new insights to improve the floor plan, to improve marketing performance and to create content, that is in fact customer centered.

Due to this, Storcenter Nord experiences more engagement from customers and even increased visits to the mall.

In this post, you can read more about how we provided Storcenter Nord with customer insights on a 1 to 1 level and how Storcenter Nord uses these new insights.

The new insights include

  • Demographic data: Customer age, gender and distance to mall
  • Customer preferences: Favored stores and offers
  • Behavioural data: Visit frequency and visited stores during customer stays at the mall
  • Marketing data: How the customer engage with different marketing message

Benefits for Storcenter Nord

  • Personalized marketing: Storcenter Nord now only shows offers from shops that are relevant to the individual customers.
  • Improving the floor plan: By using data on how customers move around, Storcenter Nord is able to create the floor plan to service customer needs.
  • Reactivation of customers: It is now possible for Storcenter Nord to engage with customers on a daily basis through the tailored Emplate Consumer App.
  • Improved tenant engagement: The tenants at Storcenter Nord now have an owned marketing channel, where they can present offers directly to the customers through an app. This makes tenants much more engaged in the marketing efforts in Storcenter Nord.

How we did it

Yes, it’s a lot of data. But don’t worry – we’ll explain how we created assets able to gather and utilize this data at Storcenter Nord.

1. Ibeacon technology creates behavioural data

To gather data you need a device that sends data and one that receives.

In this case, the receiving device is an Ibeacon device that was placed at all entrances to the mall and all shop-entrances.

An Ibeacon is a small Bluetooth device that can receive data from mobile apps.

Then we created Emplate Consumer App – an app tailored to the needs of customers in Storcenter Nord.

2. Emplate Consumer App gathers demographics

When customers first log in to the app they fill out a form, providing their age, gender and e-mail.

After signing up the customer is asked to choose stores to follow – they’ll only receive offers from these. Just like in the video below. The result? A personalised experience, as customers are only presented with content and offers from shops that they follow and find relevant.

The app also analyse which stores customers favors the most, and which they do not – putting another data layer to the optimisation of the floor plan.

Pro tip

In an early version of the app we tested showing all offers to all customers, resulting in most customers rejecting the app after a short period of time.

3. Feed creates preference data

At the core of all our apps is the content feed, which is in many ways similar to the Instagram or other content feeds. In this feed, customers can browse and see offers, news and happenings from tenants as well as content from the mall.

Tenants can upload offers and happenings with the Emplate Shop Module, and the uploaded content will show up in the customer feed – if the customer follows the tenant shop. This module is functioning as app and web.

This creates a free communication channel for tenants, and it also provides information about which offers customers like, and which they don’t. Could you ask for better data to improve marketing over time?

For Storcenter Nord to maintain overview, and help tenant shops to develop engaging content we developed the Emplate Management System. Storcenter Nord can now, through Emplate Management System see all uploads from tenants and help improve the content based on the insights on customers.

If you want to dive deeper into how shopping malls can collect customer insights I recommend that you read: 3 customer insights essential to shopping mall marketing.

Book a meeting
now and hear more about how better customer insights, can create value for your mall.

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